A Comprehensive Guide To Bijaw Surgery In India 2023

Transform your life with Bijaw surgery in India. Dr. Mathew PC offers expert care for functional improvements and aesthetic enhancement.

A Comprehensive Guide To Bijaw Surgery In India 2023

Bijaw Surgery in India is an advanced form of orthognathic surgery designed to correct abnormalities in both the upper and lower jaws. This guide will answer all your questions about the procedure, from why it’s performed to how to prepare for it and what to expect during recovery, especially focusing on the Indian healthcare context.

Understanding the Intricacies of Bijaw Surgery in India

Bijaw Surgery, also referred to as Double Jaw or Bimax Surgery represents the pinnacle of orthognathic surgery. It aims to correct both upper (maxillary) and lower (mandibular) jaw irregularities for functional and aesthetic benefits.

What Constitutes Bijaw Surgery?

In Bijaw Surgery in India, the upper and lower jaws are precisely cut and then repositioned, either moved forward or backward based on the correction required. This realignment serves a dual purpose — functional correction and aesthetic enhancement.

When is Bijaw Surgery Advisable?

When simpler surgical procedures like Lefort osteotomy or Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO) are insufficient to correct jaw abnormalities, Bijaw Surgery in India becomes the method of choice. This advanced procedure helps in attaining better facial symmetry and functional capability.

Common Deformities Addressed by Bijaw Surgery

Severe Malalignment of Both Jaws

  • When both your upper and lower jaws are not aligned properly, it can cause both functional and aesthetic issues. Bijaw Surgery in India can correct this severe misalignment, enabling better function and improving appearance.

Extreme Bite Conditions (Deepbite, Underbite, and Open Bite)

  • If you have extreme cases of deep underbite, or open bite that haven’t responded well to orthodontic treatments, then Bi-Jaw Surgery can be a comprehensive solution.

Severe Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

  • When TMJ disorders severely affect your ability to chew, speak, or even open and close your mouth, Bi-Jaw Surgery can be a corrective option.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

  • For those who suffer from severe obstructive sleep apnea unresponsive to less invasive treatments like CPAP, surgery can be a long-term solution.

Gummy Smile and Underdeveloped Mandible

  • A ‘gummy smile’ caused by an underdeveloped lower jaw can impact your self-confidence. Bijaw Surgery in India can correct the proportions of your jaw and improve your smile.

Congenital Deformities Like Cleft Lip and Palate

  • These can result in severe underdevelopment of the upper jaw, requiring complex surgical interventions such as Bijaw Surgery.

Facial Asymmetry and Post-Traumatic Deformities

  • If you’ve had facial trauma that has led to deformities or if you have natural asymmetry that impacts your quality of life, Bi-Jaw Surgery can be an effective solution.

Functional Impairment

  • Issues with speaking, eating, or breathing due to jaw structure can significantly affect your quality of life. Bi-Jaw Surgery can help correct these functional impairments.

Consulting an experienced orthognathic surgeon is crucial if you experience any of the above conditions. Proper diagnosis often involves a range of tests like X-rays, 3D scans, and functional evaluations to determine the necessity and potential success of Bi-Jaw Surgery for your case.

Additional Procedures: The Role of Genioplasty

Frequently, Bijaw Surgery is performed alongside chin surgery, also known as genioplasty. This additional procedure aims to improve the chin’s shape and positioning, making it aesthetically pleasing and functionally efficient.

Age and Timing: When to Opt for Bijaw Surgery

  • For Young Adults: Generally, it’s crucial to wait until skeletal growth is complete, around 15-16 for girls and 17-18 for boys.
  • Exceptions to the Rule: Cases involving trauma may require immediate surgical intervention.

The Recovery Journey: What to Expect Post-Surgery

Recovery can take several weeks to months and includes:

  • Immediate Aftercare: A hospital stay of a few days is typical for monitoring.
  • Dietary Restrictions: A soft food or liquid diet may be necessary initially.
  • Activity Limitations: Expect to resume normal activities gradually, based on your surgeon’s advice.

Risks and Complications: Be Informed

Like any surgical procedure, Bi-Jaw Surgery comes with its set of risks, including infection, nerve damage, and issues with anaesthesia. Make sure you discuss all possible risks with your surgeon.

Why Choose Dr. Mathew PC for Your Bijaw Surgery?

Selecting the right surgeon for your Bijaw Surgery is a pivotal decision that can significantly impact your surgical outcome. Dr Mathew PC, with years of experience and a proven track record, stands out as the ideal choice for this specialized procedure.

When considering a life-altering surgery like Bijaw Surgery, choosing the right surgeon is crucial. Your surgeon’s experience and expertise play a pivotal role in ensuring that your surgery is successful and that your recovery is smooth. That’s where Dr. Mathew PC comes in.

Your Bijaw Surgery is not just a medical procedure; it’s a transformative journey. With Dr. Mathew PC as your surgeon, you can embark on this journey with the confidence that you’re in capable hands.

Bijaw Surgery in India offers an opportunity for a life-transforming journey, that impacts both your functional abilities and self-confidence. India, with its advanced healthcare system and skilled surgeons, stands as a reliable destination for this specialized procedure.