Explore Kerala's leading jawline surgery options for a refined facial contour. Expert care, minimal downtime, and stunning results.


A jawline surgery in Kerala can be used to create a slimmer appearance. It can also be used to improve a weak or uneven jawline. It may be utilized in some situations to treat TMJ pain, uneven jaws, or muscular discomfort when chewing. Our hospital provides the best face transformation surgery includes genioplasty, rhinoplasty, jawline surgery in Kerala etc. Dr Mathew PC and his team provide better results after surgery at an affordable cost.

Orthognathic surgery, often known as jawline surgery in Kerala, is a procedure that may change the shape of your jaw and chin. It may be used to improve and define the jaw or reduce the size of the bone to create a more slender appearance. If teeth and jaw function aren’t correct, it’s possible that orthognathic surgery can realign them.

Jawline Reduction | Jawline Surgery In Kerala

For some people, a robust jawline might be considered attractive. If this is an issue, the jaw bone (mandoline) can also be reduced. This is a surgical procedure that reduces the bone’s surface permanently, making it impossible to achieve any other way. Following bony reduction, there is usually a lengthy period of muscle swelling as the region reduced is frequently where the masseter muscle inserts into the bone.

Once the swelling subsides, the operation’s effects will be visible. To assist further jawline reduction, it may be used in conjunction with therapies to relax the masseter muscle and reduce facial volume as previously discussed.

General anaesthesia is used for jawline surgery in Kerala. It’s usually regarded as a good, trusted source if you visit a professional doctor. Always follow the pre-and post-surgery instructions, including avoiding blood-thinning medicines and not smoking.

You will almost certainly need to take at least two days off work when you recover from jawline surgery in Kerala, as well as one day for the operation itself. The procedure takes between 2 and 4 hours. While recovering in the hospital, you may be required to spend one night or up to four nights.

The price of jawline surgery in Kerala varies greatly. The cost is determined by the surgeon and the extent of the operation. If the jawline surgery in Kerala is simply for cosmetic reasons, it is unlikely to be covered by insurance.

Targeted areas

The jaw, chin, and teeth are all targets of jawline surgery in Kerala. It may be done on either the upper or lower jaw, or both, depending on your requirements.

Risks Or Side Effects

Swelling, bleeding, infection, scarring, nerve damage, and discomfort are all possible outcomes of jawline surgery in Kerala.

After jawline surgery, what are the prospects?

After jawline surgery in Kerala, facial swelling is common, and you will almost certainly remain in the hospital for a few days depending on the size of your procedure. Your surgeon will give you information about what’s okay to eat and drink, as well as how to sleep without disturbing the jaw and when you can resume work or school.

You should not smoke, exercise strenuously, or engage in other activities for two weeks after the surgery. You will notice results right away and they are permanent, even if you must wear braces to position your teeth with your new jaw form.

Getting ready for jawline surgery

Depending on the type of jawline surgery in Kerala, you may need braces placed on your teeth 12 to 18 months before the operation. You should prepare for your hospital stay, which might be as long as 2 to 4 days, right now.

Make sure you bring a bag with games to keep yourself occupied, and if your jawline surgery in Kerala does not need an overnight stay, make arrangements for someone to pick you up. Before your operation, your doctor will most likely ask you to cease smoking. If you’re having facial feminization surgery, you might be asked to discontinue taking hormones in the weeks leading up to it and after it’s over.

Chin and Jawline Augmentation

Chin augmentation may have a significant impact on facial balance. A prominent nose may be balanced by the chin, or a “top-heavy” feeling face might be unified by it. It can also elongate what appears to be a short jaw, which can lift and straighten the front of the jawline.

The pre-jowl, or the region just to the outside of the chin, is another portion that may be improved. This is a frequent location of bone loss in an aged face, and in a patient with a prominent jaw and mandible, it can be enhanced with outstanding results.

The angle of the mandible, also known as the corner where the jawbone bends in front of the ear, is one last factor that can help to straighten the jawline. While this isn’t a spot that may be filled with a lot of volumes, adding some light to extend and start closer to the ear can have a dramatic effect.

Fillers and implants are two excellent alternatives for augmentation in all three sections. Chin implants are put surgically and are long-lasting augmentation that is fastened to the bone so that when you move, the implant does as well. When the healing process is finished, most individuals don’t realize there’s an implant there.

Fillers, whether permanent or temporary, are another option for those who are undecided about a long-term solution. Injectable fillers are also an excellent choice for people that don’t want to undergo surgery or who just want to try it out. Though they aren’t permanent, they may provide a sculpted appearance with little or no downtime. They can be used to gradually shape the jawline in small doses over time, and they have the advantage of dissolving if desired so that the filler may be removed later on. The procedures described above help enhance facial bone structure and soft tissues by adding volume to the face.

Fat Removal

Fat removal below the jawline is a further, optional method of jawline contouring that’s frequently done in tandem with augmentation. This might imply treating the submental fat pad (also known as the “double chin”) or the lateral jawline beneath the jaw bone using liposuction or Kybella, an outpatient fat reduction therapy. Here, we go through some of the key distinctions between these choices in more detail.

The jawline can have a significant impact on one’s self-image, and there are various ways to address this, both by adding to the jawline and removing fat under the jawline. Many individuals may benefit from a combination of the two. There are several options for enhancing a “weak” jawline whether it is seen in the mirror or in photographs.