Facial Fat Grafting In India: The Ultimate Solution

Transform your appearance with Dr. Mathew PC's facial fat grafting in India. Enjoy natural, lasting enhancements for cheeks, lips, and chin.

Facial Fat Grafting In India: The Ultimate Solution

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your face, you may be considering facial fat grafting in India. This surgical procedure involves transferring fat from one part of your body to another. It can be used to improve the appearance of the cheeks, lips, and chin. In this blog post, we will discuss what facial fat grafting is and why you might want to consider it.

Facial fat grafting in India is an increasingly popular cosmetic surgery technique that uses fat cells from other body parts to fill in wrinkles and scars. The results are natural-looking and long-lasting.

Dr Mathew PC at the Newface is your go-to surgeon for facial fat grafting in India. with years of experience under his belt, you can trust that you’re in good hands.

Why Is Facial Fat Graft Surgery So Effective?

There are several reasons why facial fat grafting works so well. First, it takes advantage of the fact that fat cells are naturally produced by the body. This means that there will be plenty of them available when needed. Second, the fat cells are very easy to harvest. They are simply removed from another part of the body using liposuction. Third, the fat cells are highly compatible with the skin. As a result, they easily integrate into the surrounding tissue. Finally, the fat cells are able to survive for up to two years after being transplanted.

What Does Facial Fat Grafting In India Procedure Involve?

During the procedure, the surgeon removes fat cells from one area of the patient’s body (usually the abdomen) and injects them into the face. The fat cells then migrate to other areas of the face where they take on the characteristics of the recipient site. In addition, the fat cells stimulate new blood vessels to form in the area. These new blood vessels help keep the transplanted fat cells alive and healthy.

What Results Can You Expect From This Treatment?

After getting facial fat grafting in India, people often say they see progress in the skin’s pressure, shape, and fullness. They also have better self-esteem and feel happier. People who get this treatment typically start seeing results within three months. However, some people might need more than one session to reach their goals.

How long does it take to recover from face fat grafting?

For most people, the results of the fat transfer are visible almost immediately. The cells that have been transferred will add volume to hollow areas right away. There might be some swelling for three or four days, and a bruise on the donor site could last 10 to 21 days. However, it could take up to three months before you can see the final results.

How long does facial fat grafting last?

With time, the effects become more apparent, and your body will produce more collagen naturally. Even though fillers can’t completely undo ageing, fat grafting can make you look younger. Facial fat grafting is a type of permanent filler, but only 60% of the injected fat usually stays put.

Best Face Surgeon In India

Dr Mathew PC, the best face surgeon in India, is highly experienced in performing facial fat grafting procedures. With his knowledge and expertise, you can be confident that your face will look its best after your procedure. So if you’re interested in improving the appearance of your face, talk to Dr Mathew PC today about facial fat grafting in India!

Whether you are unhappy with the appearance of your cheeks, lips, or chin and want to create a more youthful look, facial fat grafting may be the solution for you. To learn more about this procedure and whether it could benefit you, schedule a consultation with Dr Mathew PC at the St Thomas Hospital Malakkara today.