Is Cleft Lip Surgery Cost In India Affordable? | Cleft Lip Surgery 2022

Get cost-effective cleft lip repair surgery in India with top care and successful outcomes at Newface.

Is Cleft Lip Surgery Cost In India Affordable? | Cleft Lip Surgery 2022

Yes, cleft lip surgery cost in India is affordable. Most hospitals offer a package price for the surgery, which includes the surgeon’s fees, hospital charges, and anaesthesia. Additionally, many hospitals offer a discount if the surgery is performed within a certain time frame. In our hospital, we provide the best cleft lip surgery cost in India.

We provide state-of-the-art cleft palate and cleft lip treatment to everyone who contacts us. Our team is focused on giving smiles to youngsters with cleft lip and palate, having completed over 5,000 operations. Our staff of competent Cranio Maxillofacial Surgeons, Plastic Surgeons, ENT Specialists, Orthodontists, Anaesthetists, Speech Therapists, and Paediatricians is second to none in Kerala.

cleft lip surgery in India

Cleft Lip

Cleft lips are characterized by an opening in the upper lip, which can extend into the nose as well as the gums of the lower front teeth. The condition is typically accompanied by a split in the roof of the mouth (palate) or other facial irregularities. It is estimated that one out of every 700 children born has some form of cleft problem. A majority of these cases are treated without significant long-term effects but it is important that they are corrected quickly so as to prevent speech problems, eating difficulties, dental problems and traumatic social issues.

Causes Of Cleft Lip

A cleft lip is one of the most common birth defects which occurs due to incomplete fusion of tissues during fetal development. Some other possible causes are exposure of the embryo to some environmental toxins or medications taken by the mother during pregnancy. Treatment usually involves surgery after birth to correct the cleft lip problem. At times, surgeries are also conducted on infants before they are discharged from the hospital after birth. This depends on the severity of the cleft lips issue in addition to the overall health condition of the child/mother; age; medical history; financial status; family background; geographical location etc.

The cleft lip and palate has an impact on several activities, including:

  1. Appearance
  2. Speech
  3. Feeding
  4. Facial growth
  5. Respiration
  6. Hearing
  7. Dental occlusion
  8. Psychological aspects

cleft lip surgery in India

What Are the Cleft-Lip Clinical Issues?

  • Feeding Problems
  • Cannot suck effectively
  • Milk gets into the nasal cavity and may result in choking or aspiration
  • Teething Problems
  • Missing teeth
  • Increased number of cavities
  • Malocclusion of teeth – When teeth are bunched together or on top of each other.
  • Speech Problems
  • Nasal voice
  • May develop nodules on the vocal cord due to vocal abuse
  • Delayed speech and language development
  • Difficulty with articulation and proper pronunciation of words
  • Ear Infections
  • Most children with Cleft Lip are prone to middle ear infection
  • Hearing Loss
  • It May be associated with a repeated ear infection
  • Psychological Problems
  • To pay the price for looking and sounding different
  • Social Problems
  • Suffer isolation and alienation


Especially cleft lip with or without cleft palate can be diagnosed during pregnancy by routine prenatal ultrasound.

A prenatal ultrasound is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the developing fetus. When analyzing the pictures, a doctor may detect a difference in the facial structures.

Cleft palate is diagnosed after the baby is born, and it is done through Ultrasound scanning.


  • The goals of treatment for cleft lip and cleft palate are to improve the child’s ability to eat, speak and hear normally and to achieve a normal facial appearance.
  • A cleft lip may require 1 or 2 surgeries, depending on the extent and width of the cleft The first surgery is usually performed by the time a baby is 3 months old.
  • The cleft lip repair surgery is recommended within the first 12 months of life.

Cleft Lip Surgery Cost In India

Cleft lip repair surgery prices in India are reasonable, as previously said. For certain hospitals, the cost may range from $50 to $300. Don’t believe people who claim they can do the whole operation for less than $1000! The fact is that cleft lip repair surgery necessitates more than a few stitches, and it does need the involvement of an expert surgeon.

The overall expenses range from roughly $2000 to $4000, depending on factors such as hospital charges and other circumstances. Sufficient financial management and healthcare planning may help you obtain the finest treatment at the greatest rates available across international boundaries, including countries or regions of residence where world-class high-quality medical care services are accessible at very reasonable costs.

In our hospital, we provide the most affordable cleft lip surgery cost in India with full care and a successful surgery rate.

What are the Post-Operative Instructions After Cleft lip Repair Surgery?

Following cleft lip repair surgery, the focus is on ensuring good nutrition and maintaining lip health and activity level. Following cleft lip repair surgery or soon after, breast milk or whole-strength formula is encouraged. Patients who have sutures should use cotton swabs to gently cleanse suture lines with dilute hydrogen peroxide.

For 10 days, topical antibiotic ointment should be applied as a thorough application. For four to six weeks after surgery, there will be some scar contracture, redness, and firmness in the region. Until the scar has healed, parents should gently massage the region and avoid sunlight.

The patient’s activities may be restricted. To minimize the danger of accidental damage to the lip, some surgeons utilize elbow immobilizers. Immobilizers should be removed several times a day in a supervised setting so that the restricted limb(s) can move freely. The orthodontist and surgeon work as part of the treatment team from birth through mixed dentition’s phases.

The cost of cleft lip repair surgery in India is affordable. The post-operative instructions following cleft lip repair surgery involve maintaining good nutrition and keeping your lips healthy to avoid infection or further damage.  If you’re struggling financially and need help preparing for this procedure, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Newface. We’ll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your youngster’s quality of life isn’t compromised as a result of Cleft Lip Surgery Cost In India.